Week ending 9/4/10

Here goes with weekly reports:

We started our new September memory work. The big kids were very excited when I printed out pages with the whole set for them each to have in their notebooks, as well as the pages on the refrigerator used during singing time.

This month’s selections:

  • Scripture: Parable of the Lost Sheep (I’m also teaching the finger play that goes with it)
  • Hymn: Be Thou My Vision
  • Folk Song: Scarborough Fair
  • Spanish Songs: Tortillitas Para Mama; Cristo Me Ama, Cinco Lobitos

“Tortillitas” has been especially popular–it’s a clapping game, and everyone has to take a turn doing it with me. This is a double benefit, as I’ve been reading about the benefits of clapping songs for children and the ducklings could definitely do with learning some rhythm. And the words are very simple.

Activities this week:

  • Spelling page on words using the “ar” blend.
  • Skip counting using chalk numbers and literal skipping–exhausting, but very productive.
  • Library day–found owl books in response to question about owls and learned some about owl vision. Also picked up and browsed books about bones and skeletons. There had been some interest in drawing them.
  • While at library and grocery store, discussed categories and organization as covered in science lesson last week.
  • Playdough.
  • Making books–the idea (all theirs) was they would tell a story about a knight and a princess, D1 from the perspective of the princess, D2 from the perspective of the knight. I wrote out words for them to copy that they wanted help with spelling. They didn’t get very far, but I will try to keep tabs on the books and bring them out again.
  • Math games with chips and dice: using our grid marker boards marked 1-12, we rolled dice and then took the sum and put it on one or two different squares in corresponding number. D1 could add up the sum on the dice almost instantly each time. D2 was a little slower but never needed help, either in adding up or in separating out.
  • Played with Cuisenaire rods.
  • A did some copywork. I fear I’ve made her pages too long–she wants to write complete sections, but her writing is still a bit uneven. Definite improvement in keeping things in the lines, though.
  • Played with craft materials–designed their own project of decorating thin paintbrush handles with beads.
  • The twins have been really into alphabet books, and are starting to associate at least a few pages if not the symbols themselves. Also they both show an understanding of quantities one and two.


  • Continuing–Aesop’s Fables (narration); Wizard of Oz; Tales from Long Ago; House at Pooh Corner
  • Started Charlotte’s Web–DOB’s suggestion after they started freaking out over the abundant spider webs this time of year. They are gradually getting more curious about spiders and we have had several good discussions.
  • They are reading selections from a poem book out loud to me.
  • D1 read Keep the Lights Burning, Abbie to herself and then told us about it before I read it to both.
  • D1 finished reading The Wonderful Wizard of Oz ahead of the family reading. She is starting to learn new words from reading them. Likes getting Tintin and Asterix comics.
  • D2 tried to read Farmer Boy and was doing fine with deciphering and comprehension, but I’m afraid he’s still a little too slow to take it on his own. He’ll be there soon, though. Plenty of easier reads for fun; Amelia Bedelia; Owl at Home; various Richard Scarry; etc.
  • Some from Of Swords and Sorcerors, a retelling of the Arthurian legends that is more or less suitable for small children obsessed with knights and princesses. I will probably skip the chapter about Lancelot and Elaine, though.
  • The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde–found a lovely illustrated version at the library I couldn’t resist. Did not try to explain the symbolism, just enjoyed it together.

This was a rough week physically, as DOB and I were horribly sick with colds, which the kids started coming down with toward the end of the week. I kept the regular schedule because it’s less work than dealing with kids upset by the routine being off, but the kids did more independent work.

Future Plans:

  • Reserved a bunch of books on spiders for further exploration.
  • D1 has a copy of The Land of Oz, #2 in the series, but unlike the other books we’ve gotten from the series, it has very small print–I may need to get the other edition to make it easier for her to read.
  • I want to make the history stories at least a weekly read, and I think I will start asking for narrations from them. I have an idea in my head about a timeline, but haven’t made up my mind on spending the money yet.
  • I want math to focus on learning addition and subtraction combinations, especially those of 9 and 10. I think they may be ready to learn cribbage, which will reinforce that. I got some cool math puzzle books from the library, and I want to remember to get them out for reading time.
  • I think spelling I will try to focus on r vowel blends.

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